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Things Women do on the First Date that Drive Men Crazy

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Things that Drive Men Crazy: Going on a first date is both interesting and a slight nerve-wracking mainly if you want to make sure it turns out to be an enjoyable experience. Both the partners are mindful of how they carry themselves and how best to connect and if they hit it off then how best to secure a second date.

One wants to avoid notable turn-offs like having bad breath or holding up the other person for long. Yet, there are other things which may slip past women on their first date which may end up making a man go round the twist.

Withdrawing the following things are advised to make an attractive first impression and keeping alive the likelihood of seeing each other again.A woman may not notice it at all, but the date would be an absolute disaster for men who would just want it to finish then.

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Things Women do on the First Date that Drive Men Crazy

  1. Bringing the topic of marriage in conversation

Talking about long-term relationship and commitment is bound to scare most men away, and marriage surely fits the bill well. Because you both are going on your first date and only want to enjoy each other’s company.

It just makes a woman seem to take things too fast in a relationship which is never comfortable with men. Most of the men dating would naturally be afraid of that kind of commitment which is quite realistic; well avoid this topic altogether if you want to see them again.

  1. Bore them with your work detail

For the first time, you both are meeting face to face and have never met each other before. We are much sure that besides your nine to five grueling routine you must have other exciting things to talk about.

Unless your occupation is attractive like a daredevil stuntwoman, nobody is interested in those annoying details. Or perhaps you are a good narrator and you have a knack for keeping the other person engaged while you talk just about anything. Apparently while you introduce yourself, you will mention your job but follow it to the least.

Instead, your date wants to know you more as a person and does not want to listen to all the gossip in the office.

  1. Avoid excessive use of cellphone while out together

It is a no-brainer that you both want some quality face to face time but if you are dedicating that time to your small screen as well makes you look disinterested. In this day and age although we can not evade the use of electronics at least reduce it while you are on a date with your partner.

The other person may end up feeling ignored and rightly so. Men also enjoy the attention.

  1. Not sharing the bill with him

While you have some good time together, few men are not mainly agreeing with the idea of supporting all the expenses. Politely offer to split the bill or at least pay the tip.It is no longer a question of male chauvinism, and such concepts are fast becoming old fashioned. You are expected to pitch in as primarily it is your first date.

  1. Not making any effort to keep the conversation going

For the first time you both are meeting each other face to face, and there is the absolute level of insecurity about how you talk and what you will say. A guy will understand that you are shy but if all his attempts to make you feel comfortable with him and open up are going in vain, they will surrender.However, this doesn’t mean not to make an effort to communicate with your partner and just build walls around your person.

To avoid the awkward silence is by jotting down various topics you could talk about as soon as you see that conversation is falling out.

  1. Talking in baby voices

Please, ladies, avoid it, especially for your first date. We are referring to the mock baby voices which involve a lot of cute sounding shrill sounds which is just so much repelling for a man.

Because men prefer mature sounding women as opposed to the idea of talking to a nanny at daycare keep your voice natural, and you will do just fine. In your head, you might be coming off as cute, but it may be driving your man up the wall for the sheer cringe it may induce.

  1. Finding faults in everything

Everybody will like to keep their distance from such a person for the utter humiliation it causes them. Nothing is more displeasing than going out with a person who is continuously finding faults in every small thing they come across. It is ok if you strive for perfection, but that doesn’t mean to hold everything according to your high standards.

  1. Not registering his compliments

It is insulting to make that an excuse for not returning a compliment. A simple thank you may serve otherwise you may appear rude and indifferent. The will guy feel uncomfortable since he might notice your cold shouldering as you not being attracted to him at all.

  1. Being overly controlling

When both the parties are aware of each other’s needs and requirements and stick to their roles a relationship thrives.

Naturally if anyone will try and dominate the other person and determine the decision-making without taking the other into confidence will make the other person go insane.

These are the things that Women do on the First Date that Drive Men Crazy

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