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20 things you should know about yourself

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How much do you know about yourself? Personal growth is often achieved by how much we have learned about ourselves due to our circumstances and experiences. In this blog, we include 20 things you should know about yourself.

20 things you should know about yourself

What gets you excited

You should know which situations and circumstances give you energy, whether involving being around people or seeking quiet time with a good book. Feeling positive will motivate you to do more and seek new experiences, whatever that may mean to you.

What makes you procrastinate

Procrastination is a part of life. Everyone does it from time to time, but pinning down those moments and situations that make you put off significant and essential tasks for days or weeks is key to ensuring you get important things done.

Your privilege

It’s OK to complain about one’s life events and circumstances, but without checking your privilege at the outset—and understanding that many are much less fortunate than you are—will only ensure you can’t help create a more equitable world for your future generations.

What you need from a relationship

Everyone has things that are non-negotiable in a partnership, whether that’s dating someone who shares the same work ethic or coupling with a person who doesn’t want kids. The only way to pair up positively is to understand those critical things for you.

How you respond to stress

When a stressful situation creeps up on you, do you run and hide under a blanket, or do you burn yourself out by becoming hyper-productive? Knowing how you respond to a stressful situation will allow you to create healthier coping mechanisms and habits to keep you calm.

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Your weaknesses

This isn’t just a good question to answer during a job interview. Knowing the things you could improve upon (impatience, negativity, etc.) will help you evolve and grow as a person.

Your strengths

You should also know what you’re good at. What makes you stand out from the crowd? What skills do you have—be it in the office or in your personal life—that makes you unique? You should be proud of plenty of things you do, so own and celebrate them!

Whether you have any medical conditions

Staying healthy and living a high-quality life is often tied to preventive care instead of treating an ailment after it pops up. Getting proactive about your health will help you build a plan to stave off issues for as long as possible.

What you value most

Values are those things you believe in that determine how you live and work. They help you figure out your priorities and likely how you measure success and happiness. When your life matches your preferences, you feel better about situations and circumstances. It would help if you had a solid grasp on what you value most.

How you give and receive love

Researchers believe there are five love languages, and each describes how a person gives and receives love. The languages created by Dr. Gary Chapman include acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch. Figuring out which category you fall into will help you navigate relationships and set you up for communication success.

Whether you’re a morning or evening person

Some people find their creative juices flow best in the morning, while others do their best work at night. Digging into which makes sense for you will help you organize your schedule around the day you feel more productive and ready to tackle complex tasks.

What makes you stop listening

It’s common for people to tune in and out of conversations—it happens! But knowing what makes you lose focus will help you do two things: one, you’ll learn when to force your brain to focus on details so you don’t miss them; two, you’ll know more about what your brain finds attractive.

How you act with different groups of people

Some say their personality is the same at work in a family situation, but that’s never really true. People tend to express themselves differently depending on the group they’re with or their activity. Honing in on how you change your behavior will help you figure out who you’re most comfortable with and how you can align your personality, so you’re more authentically “you” everywhere.

What you love learning about

If you’ve ever wondered what subjects or topics genuinely interest you, spend some time analyzing what kinds of things you love researching on the internet or reading about in books. This will indicate what things spark your creative energy and fuel your inner fire.

What makes you happy

What brings a genuine smile to your face? What makes you beam with joy? Knowing what makes you happy will ensure you do more of what you want and like.

What annoys you

Whether you can’t stand when people bite their fingernails or loathe name-dropping, it’s essential to know what things drive you batty to learn to avoid or cope with stressful and antagonizing situations.

What type of people frustrate you

You won’t get along with everyone, so knowing which personalities clash with yours will help you devise a plan for how to react when you encounter them.

When you need to say no

Everyone has boundaries, whether that’s someone physically touching them or a literal limit to their energy. Knowing yours will empower you to protect yourself from harmful, negative, or uncomfortable situations.

What you’re willing to sacrifice to get to where you want to go

Everything has a price: time spent with friends or money spent on an object. Figuring out what you’re willing to do without accomplishing a goal or task will help you say yes to the things that will get you where you want to go.

What you want to do in your life

Everyone has a different wish list for their life to look like. Some want to travel, while others want to settle down and have a family. Life is short so make it as sweet as possible by honing in on what will make you happiest. Dream big and live essentially!

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  • Things you should know about yourself
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Shivani Thakur
Hello, I am Shivani Thakur, from Devbhoomi Himachal. I like to travel, listen to music and cook delicious food. I write about happiness and the struggles of modern life. My inspiration comes from my own experiences, good and bad, from the people who live in and around my hometown.


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